Without being too personally revealing, I would like to offer this post as a kind of gratitude-offering for the people I have been honored to creatively collaborate with recently and for all of the creative endeavors happening all around me.
This series is called the Mary & Cindy Block Clock Series. They are a collaboration between me (Mary) and my mother-in-law (Cynthia). She painted all of the pretty flowers, real and imaginary, on 3x3-inch squares. After living in a shoebox for over a year, I layed them out, designed, dreamed, painted and made them into block clocks. I'm happy with how they turned out - I think our unique forms of creative expression combine quite nicely into a wall clock. My mother-in-law, like all of the Potts clan, is creatively gifted and particularly gifted at painting and drawing. Her flowers and heart flowers! are absolutely dreamy.
There are 6 of them, each one-of-a-kind and $45 each. They are available at our etsy store and at our website, InfinityArtsGallery.com.

#2 - Details (infinityartsgallery.com website)

#3 - Details (infinityartsgallery.com website)
#4 - Details (infinityartsgallery.com website)
#5 - Details (infinityartsgallery.com website)
#6 - Details (infinityartsgallery.com website)
Also, these designs are some of my first pendulum wall clocks made using 100% recycled sdf (sustainable design board) and non-voc milk paints. The flower blocks are painted using acrylic paints. I hope to post a separate blog about our earth-friendly new clocks very soon.
-Mary Preiser Potts
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