Thursday, May 17, 2007

Custom Cityscape Clock for Boston Children's Hospital

Justin and I are home from Hawaii and I hope to post a few photos as soon as I finish playing catchup! But first, I wanted to post the new custom clock that I finished just before leaving for the land of Aloha. I've been working with a gallery in Boston over the last few years, creating clocks for a children's hospital there. Here is the newest of 3 cityscape clocks and a glimpse of other children's clocks I've made for the children's hospital in the past...

Cityscape 3 Wall Clock / approximately 12" x 45"

Cityscape 2 Wall Clock / approximately 12" x 45"

Johnhanclock Cityscape Wall Clock / approximately 10" x 40"

Airplane Clock / approximately 24" length

Dragonfly Clock / Approximately 24" tall

I'll be back later with my newest Block Clock art clock designs!

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