I completed another set of handmade baby bibs last week. This time, they are in traditional baby boy blue with alternating off-white. Both fabrics are super soft corduroy and the center thread designs are done in medium blue heavy cotton canvas. I tweaked the pattern a bit this time to bring the velcro closure around to the side instead of in the back where little hairs can be pulled. As for the designs, with these bibs I put a new twist on the "I Love My Mommy" / "I Love My Daddy" baby bibs - the father of this little guy is a drummer and his mother is, well, a "love"!

drummer detail

hearts detail
I also finally have a taker on a set of baby bibs. I'll be making a set for a friend of a friend - for free! That's right, I'm obsessed. So, I'll put it out there again. If you live in the PDX area and know someone who is having a baby soon, send me an e-mail and I'll send you a pair of baby bibs!
Also, if you love independent artists/designers like I do, check out my friend Linda Johnson of Little Flower Designs on HGTV/That's Clever! today at 1 pm eastern time!
Happy Friday!
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