Justin and I have decided that we're ready to move on into Spring - a little early perhaps, but the Groundhog did say....
So, please hurry to Infinity Arts Gallery because we're taking 25% off most of our art clocks and wall art pieces!
My latest 2 Block Clocks were a painstaking labor of love. They are extreme experiments in wall art clock design and I know they are just perfect for someone out there!
The first, "Block Clock - Seeds to Trees" is a massive composition of seed and tree designs with an assertive 15" golden ochre face. The introductory price is $375 (after St. Patty's, $425).

"Block Clock - Seeds to Trees" by Mary Preiser Potts / 15" x 40" / Intro: $375 / Purchase.

"Block Clock - Seeds to Trees" Detail with pendulum.
Number 2 - "Block Clock - Ode to Trees" is a tribute to the quiet giants in my back yard. This clock came to me all at once, like a vision in black and white. But try as I did to maintain that first vision, this piece evolved in its own special way, including the bold mixing of peacock blue, with deep rusty red and several shades of green. The introductory price is $225 (after St. Patty's, $275).

"Block Clock - Ode to Trees" by Mary Preiser Potts / 12" x 33½" / Intro: $225 / SOLD!
"Block Clock - Ode to Trees" Detail
I should be back later this week to give you the first glimpse of Justin's new clocks! Happy Spring!